Opening Hours: Mon - Sat | 9.00am - 5:30pm

Grooming Options

Our state-of-the-art salon offers the highest standards

Relax. This is a really relaxing bath with a premium shampoo and premium conditioner, nails clipped, ears and eyes cleaned. After all, good dogs like a silver lining treat too.

  • Relaxing bath with massage
  • Shampoo & conditioning
  • Safe fluff drying
  • Full coat brush
  • Styled to owner’s preference
  • Sanitary clip
  • Gentle ear cleaning
  • Nail clipping

Prices from €55

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Did You Know?

Silver was discovered in 5,000BC and has been overshadowed by Gold since its discovery. While there are dedicated silver mines, most silver is produced as a by-product of gold, copper, and lead mining. There is less silver above ground than gold.

Silver is one of the most reflective metals in the world, the most beautiful and in that reflection you will see our standards and how we take care of your dog at Barker & Bowes.


All costs are inclusive of VAT.  Additional costs apply for parasites present/ heavily soiled coats/ difficult/ aggressive behaviour.  Final cost is dependent on the complexity of the groom and how long it takes.